Events in March

Sat 1st March

Baseball - vs Kent @ Home
noon - 3pm
Combat training
noon - 4pm
In the car park behind the tennis courts
Learn important skills for competitive medieval combat displays and work towards ranks and qualifications the ability to put on those displays

Thu 6th March

SU Market
10am - 5pm
Square 3
Join us every thursday for our SU Market

Sat 8th March

Baseball - vs UCL @ Away
noon - 3pm

Tue 11th March

Anti-Social & Introverts Social Club
6pm - 8pm
The Atrium
A low-key hangout for low-key people

Thu 13th March

SU Market
10am - 5pm
Square 3
Join us every thursday for our SU Market

Fri 14th March

Latin Night!
9pm - midnight
SU Bar
Feel la vibra Latina

Tue 18th March

5th SU Council
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Elected representatives from the three campuses meet to vote on policies and shape the direction of the SU. SU Council meets once a month. At these meetings, the representatives also hold the elected officers, to account.
5th SU Council
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Elected representatives from the three campuses meet to vote on policies and shape the direction of the SU. SU Council meets once a month. At these meetings, the representatives also hold the elected officers, to account.

Thu 20th March

SU Market
10am - 5pm
Square 3
Join us every thursday for our SU Market
5th SU Council
1:15pm - 2pm
Elected representatives from the three campuses meet to vote on policies and shape the direction of the SU. SU Council meets once a month. At these meetings, the representatives also hold the elected officers, to account.
SU Reads
6pm - 8pm
The Atrium
A meeting of the most chill book group ever

Thu 27th March

SU Market
10am - 5pm
Square 3
Join us every thursday for our SU Market

Mon 31st March

SU Makes: Journals
noon - 5pm
The Atrium
12pm-5pm | Start or continue your own journal
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