Welcome to the Essex Business School Society

At the EBS Society we want our members to progress and become the best they can be because we know the potential is there to achieve great things. We give our members a head-start in the world of business by providing great opportunities at the right time. The society is open to everyone at the University and the EBS committee members are here to help.

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Our events include the following:

-Presentations made by company representatives.

-Documentaries and featured film screenings.

-Recruiting events by prominent companies and professional bodies.

-Seminars providing valuable career information, as well as covering topics such as, current world financial crisis.

-Non-academic events, including travelling and club theme nights.


In the past the society's corporate/academic relationship included Alumni's and representatives from companies such as Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Lloyds TSB and KPMG.


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If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.


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Upcoming events


You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.

Committee Elections No elections are currently running