Each year in February, students put themselves forward to run for a full-time, paid position as a Student Leader. They campaign for votes and every Essex student will have an equal chance to 'vote like a student' and choose who they want to be elected into each of the 6 roles. This is the SU Leadership Election.


Candidate for the position of Black officer




As your Black Community officer, I would love to focus not just on the tackling the challenges that affect us but celebrate the diversity amongst us. Supporting initiatives, fundraising events, pushing for experiences that further uplift your experience at UoE are my motives for running. I recognise the brilliance in not just academia but creativity at the University of Essex, I want to promote a greater platform to show this greatness. My enthusiasm, charisma and unmatched energy would serve this role to the best of my ability.




VIBRANCE - There's so much complexity and diversity within our culture. Whether from the mighty African continent or hailing from the beautiful countries in the Caribbean Sea, one thing we share is the vibrancy in our cultures. The food, the music, the dancing and the clothes; represent the beauty in our very nature. I want this to be represented on campus via diversity in food, music, art and literature.



GREATNESS - From sportsman to musicians to academics, greatness is not something lacking within our community. However what is lacking, is representation of this greatness at the UoE, not just from celebrities but from past and present students. I want to celebrate more of the greatness achieved and the contribution black UoE students have made to wider society via career events and panel discussions.



CREATIVITY - There are so many creatives walking on the Colchester campus, from poets to singers to spoken word artist to singers; the talent is phenomenal. I want to push Black creativity via showcases, festivals and open mics.



RESILIANCE - It's evident through history how strong we are as people. I want to acknowledge a greater sense of re-education of Black British history. Understanding the contribution made to British history through service, colonialism and migration via hosting informative workshops


Vote for me to see Black students and their passions pushed to the forefront of student life!