AHHH so… you finally found us? :o

Welcome, I guess?

To keep things interesting, why don’t we play a little game. If you bother reading through this whole boring essay and can find the name of my pet goat, I will personally give you something you would never expect… A SURPRISE??

What is this society?

  • A place to socialise? 
  • A place to have fun? 
  • A community? 
  • A place for discussions? 
  • A place where you can feel a sense of belonging? 

What do we not tolerate?

  • Racism 
  • Hate speech 
  • Ilish Mas 
  • Antisocial behaviour
  • Harassment 

Our aim

A wise man once said, “A flower doesn’t bloom until the roots are fortified”. Being one of the most cultural communities, with years of history and traditions, it is our duty to unite and remember who we truly are: A proud human being who embraces every aspect of what makes us Bengali. Through this Society, we aim to socialise, create fun motives, discover my goat Allauddin and show everyone what being Bengali is all about.

Our Objective

  • We plan to have at least one gathering every fortnight and a big motive once every month, including but not limited to paintballing, Roller skating, and escape rooms.
  • We plan to inspire and educate people about our amazing community and culture, like trying out Bengali street foods (shout out to chotpoti)
  • We plan to collaborate with many other amazing societies and plan charity and sports events!!

Fun fact, did you know, Bangladesh’s national poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam, often referred to as the Rebel poet due to his rebellion against oppression, has written over 4000 poems and songs.

Here’s a little poem by him:

By a drum beat to a heavenly height
from earth beneath and soil's blight
Youth rise in the dawn's light,
Left, now, now, right!
Through dawn's door, a shattering blow
we will bring daybreak, scarlet in glow;
We will destroy the gloom of the night
and hindering mountain height,
The youngest of young, a song will sing;
from buried bones we raise the living;
We are the ones, new life will bring
with a new arm of might.

Finally, to conclude, if anyone made it this far, you are a true Bengali spirit, in fact, you are a royal Bengal tiger??!! ????





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