Ultimate Frisbee 


Never heard of Ultimate Frisbee? Most never have before they get to university.

In 2012 we started as the smallest club on campus with just 4 returning members and finished it as one of the biggest with over 50 signed-up Frisbee fanatics and with hundreds having picked up the infamous bit of plastic at some point during the year.

 In 2013-2014 we hosted 32 epic socials, attended 15 major tournaments, held 10 campus-wide charity events, took over 40 of our club on tour and attended 1 amazing naked calendar shoot 2015 we became social club of the year and took over 50 members on tour; the highest number of members the sports teams have ever had! In 2016 the sport was entered into the BUCS league, reaching 2nd in the league and cup semi-finalists. Ultimate Frisbee are achieving more than ever before and we want everyone to be a part of the Frisbee experience.

Our philosophy? Play hard, party harder. Our mission? To show that you don't have to be a top athlete to be a good sport 
You could be the star of the pitch or last pick at school, your past is exactly that. Whatever your ability, be bold, be yourself and you too can be part of something special this year.



Training Times

Club Training

Monday 8:30-10pm Colchester Academy

Thursday 7:30-9:30pm  Grass Pitch 1

BUCS Training

Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm Pitch 1

Just Play

Friday 3-4pm Astro Turf


Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment







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Upcoming events


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Committee Elections No elections are currently running


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